Time & Location
Sep 23, 2020, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM CDT
About the Event
Service Animal, Emotional Support Animal, Guide Dog, Companion Animal, Therapy Animal, Comfort Animal,
Psychiatric Service Animal, whatever you call it, just don’t call it a PET! Navigating Fair Housing laws while working to protect your asset can be challenging. As public awareness continues to increase, our management teams must be educated and equipped with processes and language to successfully navigate this sensitive topic. This Fair Housing webinar focuses on the protected class of Disability/Handicap and a resident's request for an assistance animal. Upon completion of this session, each participant will be able to: • Understand the legal definition of Disability/Handicap as defined in the Fair Housing Act. • Recognize the differences between the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act and where each law applies onsite. • Utilize resources and appropriate language for answering questions and processing requests for reasonable accommodations and modifications.
• Implement the recently released HUD guidelines regarding the handling of reasonable accommodation requests for assistance animals.